What Is The Pick And Roll In Basketball? Tips For Executing

Many coaches don’t pay attention to small details on the screen and run play. These small details can mean your team misses lots of chances to score. When you know how to actually do that pick and roll, and you correct some common mistakes, your team ‘s use of this move will be a lot better. Games have more chances to score. Little things in basketball often mean a lot!

What Is a Pick and Roll? 

So, let’s begin with a precise definition of the pick and roll. This is a common play in basketball. Some might say that it is a ‘screen and roll’ or a ‘ball-screen’. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. For instance, in this play one of the teammates who hasn’t got the ball creates a screen. Thus they position themselves in order to impede or hinder a defender from the opposing team. They do this to assist the teammate who has the ball in hand.
  2. The player with the ball, then has a good look at what is going on around him. They use the screen to go around defenders.Their strategy is simply to find a good opening and take their shot, to score. They may also pass the ball to another teammate in a better position.
  3. However, once the screen is set, the player doesn’t just stay put. They head towards the basket to catch a pass. Usually they will try to take possession of the ball and put one into the back of the net with a short shot.

Teamwork is the key in this pick and roll play. One player sets up the other to score, and both have to flow smoothly.

Pick and Roll
Pick and Roll

The History of the Pick and Roll

The pick and roll only really took off in the 1990s. For instance, one of the Utah Jazz team players complained about it in basketball. John Stockton and Karl Malone of that team were players who used this move a lot. In a game, they showed just how effective it could be.

However, the story did not stop in the 90s either. Basketball still depended on the pick and roll. Recently, however, players such as the Golden State Warriors ‘Stephen Curry and Draymond Green have kept it afloat. It has become a kind of living thing, and today you can really apply this to the modern basketball world.

But this isn’t just a piece of history. It’s a strategy that both teams and players are still using to win games. Everyone from Stockton and Malone to Curry and Green has used the pick and roll in some of the greatest plays in basketball. It’s fascinating to watch how it has changed with the times and still remains an essential part of the game.

History of the Pick and Roll
History of the Pick and Roll

Tips For Executing the Pick and Roll

The pick and roll has literally made players a hall of fame career. Come see Karl Malone and John Stockton. These tips below will help you get better at executing the pick and roll, and your team will benefit immensely.

Tips for Ball Handlers in Pick and Roll

In a pick and roll, as the ball handler, you’ve got some goals. Try to score at the rim, make smart plays, zip past defenders, and take jump shots while moving. You don’t have to be there yet-you just rock this move.

  • Keep Low and Balanced-Low and good balance means you can move quickly to avoid defenders. It also makes it more difficult for them to shove you off your path.
  • Take it Easy-Don’t be in a hurry. Wait for the Screen. If you go too soon, the defense can stop you easily. Also, moving too early may create a foul on your teammate behind the screen. Generally speaking, it is preferable to be a little late than too early.
  • Defensive Fakeout – Trick the defense – pretend to go one way, then switch. This leaves them guessing, and gets your defender stuck on the screen. If they don’t want your imitation, just run for the basket.
  • Charge into action The screen is there for a reason.Go for it! Generally speaking, it is better to be bold and in control than hesitant. It’s not just pick and rolls, it applies to all parts of your game.
  • Don’t look down-when you head for the basket. You could run into defenders and get a foul. Instead, look at the defense and take advantage of open teammates. Then the help should come from where? Because good teams will have strong defense against pick and roll.
  • Practice Different Finishes – Work on various ways to score after the screen, like layups, floaters, or jump shots. This makes you unpredictable and harder to defend against.
  • Improve Your Dribbling: Good dribbling skills make the pick and roll work well. Dribble with both hands and in every situation.
  • Discuss this with Your Teammate – Speak to the player tracking. The right word or signal at the right time can be decisive in success and failure.
  • Defense in Study – Take note of how the defense reacts to pick and rolls. It enables you to make better decisions on the field.
  • Keep Practicing – The pick and roll is all about teamwork and timing. The more you practice, the better you and your teammates will get at it.

You see, mastering the pick and roll is a process. Every game is an opportunity to get better and try new things. With these tips, you’ll be a master at this classic basketball move.

Tips For Executing the Pick and Roll
Tips For Executing the Pick and Roll

Screener Tips for Pick and Roll

If you’re the screener in a pick and roll, there are some key things to do. If you’re a post player capable of setting good screens, moving into the basket quickly, catching passes and scoring it’s great. To add pick and pop, if you can shoot from outside, even better.

  • Communicate- Tell the ball handler: I’m about to set a screen for you. You can raise your fist and scream their name.
  • Race to the Position – Sprint quickly into position for the screen. This means less time for the defense to react, making it harder for them to stop play.
  • Don’t move – You should stay still when the ball handler is using your screen. It keeps you from fouling.
  • Stand with your feet just a little wider than your shoulders, bend your knees and lower your hips to make yourself big. Taking this position means it’s difficult for defenders to push past or around you.
  • Roll: The screen is already set, so try to maintain the defender behind you. Then turn and open up to the ball, and move toward the basket. Raise your hand to show the passer where to throw the ball.
  • Watch the Floor – As you’re rolling to the basket, keep your eyes up. Good defenses will try to stop you with help from the side. If you look, then you can see that a defender is coming and may foul. Alternatively, you can move around them or pass to an open teammate.

These tips will make you an integral part of the pick and roll play. So it is an issue of cooperation and timing. Keep practicing, and you’ll soon be much better at finding your teammates for easy shots.


Unfortunately, many coaches teach the pick and roll incorrectly, or they omit important things. It’s one of the most popular moves in basketball, so a coach has to teach players every part of it.

Players do better on your team if you teach them how to do the pick and roll. What’s more, this skill will be of great help to them when they play basketball later on. This is really important to their growth in the sport.

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